Securing new tenants is only half the battle. With new renters, your hope is that they continue to be responsible and stay long-term. And while you can’t control some aspects of San Ramon rental property turnover, there are a few things you can do to build a strong, reliable relationship with those who rent from you. Here are six tenant relationship tips to help groom your best renters for the long haul.
A Great Tenant Relationship Begins with Thorough Pre-screening
A structure is only as sturdy as the foundation upon which it’s built. The same sentiment applies to building relationships with your San Ramon rental property tenants. The more responsible the renter, the easier it will be to develop a long-term, professional relationship. If your pre-screening process isn’t thorough, with background checks, credit checks, and past rental reference checks, you run the risk of signing with someone who isn’t interested in a long-term housing solution. You might be setting yourself up for pitfalls like late rent, poor housekeeping, and flight-risk tenants. In looking for ways to improve your landlord-tenant relationships, be mindful of your screening efforts to ensure you’re signing the best possible candidates first.
Setting Realistic Expectations
Renters can understand that last-minute maintenance appointments need to be scheduled, or rent increases need to be imposed if they have a general expectation that such scenarios may arise. Be transparent with your tenants about your preferences and operations schedules. Discussing up front, what you expect from them, and in turn, what they can expect from you, will make changes easier to digest.
Clear & Concise Communications Ongoing
The best tenants are those who rarely contact you and submit rent payments on time. But in the real world, especially this year, circumstances can be unpredictable for everyone. It’s ok to check in with your San Ramon rental property occupants for no other reason than to check in on them. Keep the line of communication open ongoing to create a conducive environment for discussions. They should be comfortable contacting you about a hardship, a repair need, or a job furlough. And you should be equally comfortable reaching out to them about upcoming maintenance schedules or policy revisions.
Timely Response to Repairs & Maintenance
Another tenant relationship tip is to be dedicated to timely responses to inquiries, needs, and repairs. If one of your San Ramon rental property renters experiences a problem, your ability to respond quickly and provide solutions is paramount. Tenants will grow frustrated and resentful if their landlords take too long to reply or simply avoid fixing the problem altogether. The best relationships are built when the renters know you genuinely care about addressing any concerns they might have.
Observing Your San Ramon Rental Property Tenants’ Privacy
Nothing undermines a landlord-tenant relationship faster than a rental property owner who doesn’t respect the tenant’s privacy. Be mindful of legal guidelines for showing up in person. Be respectful of your renter’s preferred communication channels. For example, if you know your occupant works a night shift, calling or showing up during his or her daytime sleeping hours might be a nuisance. Observing privacy rights can demonstrate that you care about your tenants.
Lease Enforcement with a Human Touch
Tenant relationship tips and best practices work best when a landlord is able to adhere strictly to lease terms. Being inconsistent about the benchmarks you outlined in your lease could communicate that you’re not serious about providing for your renters or preserving your San Ramon rental property investment. That being said, don’t be afraid to be human about your enforcement of terms, as well. This year has been rough on many Americans, and your ability to be flexible and empathetic can go a long way in your relationship-building efforts.
If you are having trouble with connecting authentically and professionally with your San Ramon renters, contact us! Our rental property management professionals at PMI Contra Costa CONTRA COSTA are experts at building long-term relationships with quality tenants.
PMI Contra Costa, Making property management, Manageable!
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